Who are you? Bill “Hawk” Connelly and Beverly Spoer(Creative, Design, Fabrication, and Life Partners)
What is your Etsy Shop Name/link? HawkLeather.Etsy.comWhat tag categories do you specialize in? Leather Products of all types
Do you create for children or adults, women or men? Mostly for adults, Mostly
Unisex but also customize leather accessories for our 4 legged friends.
What do you like about Etsy? I loved how easy it was to start up the shop on the internet. Everything as far as the layout, design, and tools was unbelievably easy. And the cost can’t be beat!!!
Where do you find inspiration for your products? Our shop is our own little creative universe and it’s amazing what pops into our heads sometimes. We go into the shop, turn on some tunes and create, create, create. We have our own work areas next to each other and we generally start by coming up with our individual design concepts. Then it’s a matter of feeding off of each other with thoughts and opinions. Bev is the more artistic of the two of us where I am more the “How can we do this?” part of the team. Almost all of our inspiration comes from our own life experience, nature, world culture, and our own inner spirit.
What do you love about your business? The ability to create something from our own artistic processes that in some way will bring pleasure to someone else.
What is your favorite product right now? We have devoted a lot of years to designing
bracelets and
belts but lately we have been expanding with
leather journal covers, custom laptop bags, and custom
guitar straps. So basically our favorite product is anything leather.
What makes you unique at Etsy? All creativity is unique. We pride ourselves in our originality, workmanship, and ability to get our artistic trade out to the community.
What are some other sites to find out more about you and what you love to create? Our shop has always been supported by word of mouth and local sales. The exposure via the internet is new to us and we will be expanding in the near future.